Plant Planet Earth is a Division of Teen Beyond Boundaries


Our objective is to help preserve and protect the Environment,
with specific attention given to endangered Rainforests worldwide.

By keeping the Rainforests from being destroyed, and replanting the damaged areas we are helping the entire Environment.

For example, by preventing the “slash & burn” of Rainforests we help reduce Global Warming, which in turn helps the Polar Bears in the Artic, and so on …

The entire Planet is one living interconnected system.
The Rainforests are like the “lungs” of the Planet.


Actions You Can Take

Become the “Planet Guardian” in your Home.

Take responsibility for making sure everyone does
their part to protect our Planet.

Remember every little bit adds up to make a powerful

Some Things You can Do:


Conserve Water
Encourage your parents to have leaky faucets fixed.
Anytime you or a family member brush your teeth,
turn the faucet off. Do not keep the water running.
Even if one family member does this, 8 gallons of
water are saved a day.


Recycle, Recycle, Recycle.
Most household paper items, glass, aluminum cans
And plastic can be recycled. By recycling half of
your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds
of carbon dioxide annually.

Find more information about programs in your area


Get Unplugged.
Do not waste energy. Chargers & power adapters continue
to draw power from the wall socket even if the device
is not attached. Unplug these devices, or use a power strip
to turn off multiple units.

Many home electronics continue to use energy even
when they are turned off. Unplug them. Many devices
with a “standby mode” will continue to use power, running
up your electric bill, and wasting energy.


Use Fluorescent Bulbs.
Replace conventional incandescent light bulbs with
Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). They cost a
little more, but last up to 10 times longer, use twothirds
less energy, and give off 70 percent less heat.


Turn Down the Thermostat.
Lowering your thermostat by just one degree can reduce
energy costs by about four percent.


Look For Energy Star Label.
If your parents are purchasing a Refrigerator,
Dishwasher, a Washer Dryer, Water Heater
And many home electronics ask them to buy
Products with the Energy Star Certification.
It saves energy and also cuts down on pollution.
For more information go to


Buy Renewable Energy.
Ask your parents to check with your local Utility
Company and see if you can purchase Renewable
Non-emitting sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric
power. This will cut down on emissions, reduce
Volatile fuel prices and can save you money.


If you live near the Ocean, a River or a Wilderness Area,
Volunteer to help Clean the polluted waters, or a park. Get
involved in Community Efforts to protect the Environment.


To protect our Rainforests, the solution must be comprehensive.
see our efforts in the Choco Rainforest. Click on PROJECTS.

Rainforests are an integral and critical part of our Global Environment
and Well-being.

It is important to state that two basic elements needed for human
survival on our Planet, Oxygen to breathe and fresh water to
drink are both bi-products of the Rainforests.

Rainforests provide valuable resources and abundant life for our Planet

Fact: Covering less than 2 percent of the Earth's total surface area, the world's Rainforests are home to 50 percent of the Earth's plants and animals. (The Nature Conservancy)

Fact: A typical square mile patch of Tropical Rainforest contains as many as 1,500 flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies. (The Nature Conservancy)

Fact: Seventy percent of the plants identified by the U.S. National Cancer Institute as useful in the treatment of cancer are found only in the Rainforests. (The Nature Conservancy)

Fact: To-date only less than one percent of the tropical rainforests species have been analyzed for their medicinal value. The rest remains to be studied.

Rainforests, its indigenous people, and its animal & plant species are being threatened to extinction.

Rainforests are threatened by unsustainable agricultural, ranching, mining and logging practices.

Fact: Every second a slice of rainforest the size of a football field is mowed down. That's 86,000 football fields or rainforests per day, or 31 million football fields of rainforest each year. (The Nature Conservancy)

Fact: Originally 6 million square miles of Rainforest existed worldwide now only 2.5 million remain. (The Nature Conservancy)

Fact: Tropical deforestation results in the loss of 100 species per day. (The Nature Conservancy)

Fact: The greatest Temperate Rainforests in the world are in the Pacific coastal regions of the North American Continent. Now less than 5 percent of the virgin forests survive.

Teens Beyond Boundaries and the Rainforests of the World.

Rainforests are treasures that transcend national boundaries. They must be protected for the well-being of Planet Earth.

Efforts to save viable remnants of our rainforests spark confrontations, lawsuits, and legislative offensives, logging community rallies, sit-ins by environmental activists & other similar tactics.

Teens Beyond Boundaries shall work within a framework that is non-confrontational, safe and yet highly effective.

To propagate and preserve - Leadership teens from around the world shall work with Agricultural Universities, Forestry Research Departments and Eco-friendly organizations dedicated to protecting the rainforests. The teens shall study the most valuable plants and trees in danger of being extinct in the Temperate and Tropical Rainforest.

Leadership teens shall learn how to propagate, plant and nurture the young seedlings. They will then plant the valuable plants and trees. A long term strategy to preserve the mature plants & trees shall be established.

To Protect - Whenever a valuable piece of Rainforest is in danger of de-forestation, Leadership Teens will rally their Global Network of teens to bring awareness to the problem by sharing information with their families and peers. This powerful network, supported by their friends and families shall execute a well targeted e-mail campaign addressing the issue with the key authorities, and private enterprises associated with the de-forestation.

The children of the world will rally to save its rainforests. Millions of current and future consumers will be encouraged to only purchase products created by eco-friendly companies. They will practice responsible consumerism.

As the Global network of Teens Beyond Boundaries expands so will its power to influence current and future generations to develop a greater understanding and respect for our valuable Rainforests.

Programs in Development


The Choco Rainforest – South America


The Great Bear Rainforest - British Columbia


Sequoia National Forest - Pacific Northwest, North American Continent


Sarawak Virgin Jungles - Borneo


East Kalimantan - Borneo


Atlantic Forest Region of Brazil - South America


Amazon Basin of Peru - South America


Congo Basin - Africa